Building a Stable Full Stack Team

We are Nymbl

Nowadays as many companies moving towards building an in-house team for custom applications self hosted on popular cloud platforms. The need for fully customized in-house built applications necessitates the building of in-house infrastructure.

What is full-stack? Full-stack means front end , back end , devops and database skill set. For any team to be successful you need a Scrum Master, Full Stack Developer, Devops and Infrastructure skills.

Usually the key technical skill sets for a good full stack developer are:

  • Proficiency with fundamental front end languages such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Familiarity with JavaScript frameworks such as Angular JS, React and Amber.
  • Proficiency with server side languages such as Python, Ruby, Java, PHP and .Net.
  • Familiarity with database technology such as MySQL, Oracle and MongoDB.

Additional skill sets on Cloud development tools available on AWS, Microsoft and IBM Watson is a plus.

Looking forward to you hiring more full stack developers from NymblSoft.

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